Copyright © 2009 by Mohammed Fairouz
All rights reserved. The content of this website may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission.
Mohammed Fairouz

"It is a rare occasion, in my experience, to see in the works of a young
composer like Fairouz such a secure technique (in form and structure,
pacing of musical ideas and continuity, as well as orchestration),
coupled with a vivid creative imagination. Fairouz's music is
intellectually and emotionally challenging and stimulating, with a
certain stylistic originality and elegence."
-Gunther Schuller, Pulitzer Prize-winning Composer
"Mohammed Fairouz is an extraordinarily gifted young composer
whose music engages the heart as well as the mind. Fairouz has
already in his mid twenties , a formidable technical ability in his work
and has revealed a highly personal voice . Most impressive of his
recent works is a full length opera, Sumeida's Song, which I believe
should be heard and seen.
In an age in which cynicism is mistaken for intelligence, Mohammed
Fairouz is a refreshing antidote to the music of his generation - A true
young artist , who I believe has much to say in the years ahead."
-Richard Danielpour, Composer, Professor of Composition- Curtis
Mohammed Fairouz has written a powerful first opera.
With Sumeida's Song he finds the solution - through
individual sounding  music and strong unerring drama-
to one of the most compelling problems of our time.
When Sumeida's Song is premiered, we will be
witnessing  a major international event."
Tobias Picker, Composer

“Mr. Fairouz is an outstanding person of the 21st
century… at 22 his accomplishments surpass many
composers' lifetime products and achievements. This
man deserves support from all sources. We of the music
community will benefit from his unselfish creative
-Halim El-Dabh, University Professor of Music - Kent State

“One gets the sense that there may not be a musical
endeavor that Mohammed Fairouz cannot master-he is
that intelligent and his music is that interesting. Fairouz
is the rare composer with an endless imagination… one
can only wonder how far he will ascend.”
-Anthony De Ritis, Chair of Music - Northeastern
"The music of Mohammed Fairouz is sensitive, deeply moving,
adventurous, and thought-provoking. It demonstrates great
expressive power, extraordinary sensitivity to instrumental timbre,
structural stylistic range, . This ability to move easily among a broad
spectrum of musical languages, and unite them all within a single
creative profile, would be noteworthy even in the work of an
established elder statesman; it is all the more remarkable in that
Mohammed Fairouz is a young man at the beginning of an unusually
promising career. He will undoubtedly surprise us all in the years to
- Elliott Schwartz- Composer, Author, Beckwith Professor Emeritus-
Bowdoin College

“Fairouz creates multiple levels with great assurance and a striking
effect. Several of his works are unafraid to show tenderness and
direct emotion. This ability to write music that is both serious and
emotionally direct is a particularly promising trait.”
-Scott Wheeler,  Director -  Dinosaur Annex Music Ensemble, Associate
Professor - Emerson College

“At 22 years of age, Mohammed can demonstrate familiarity with
the complete canon of western music from Monteverdi to Elliott
Carter. From an early age Mohammed has been in training to
become a composer. At 6 years hundreds of exercises in species
counterpoint… One can see evidence of this background in his
present compositions.”
-Malcolm Peyton, Professor of Composition - New England
Conservatory of Music

”Mohammed Fairouz… he is brilliant, quite inventive, extremely
knowledgeable not just of the musical career but beyond… I strongly
feel that he is a powerful young composer… revealing to me a very
powerful and vivid talent.”
-Pozzi Escot, Professor of Composition and Theory - New England
Conservatory of Music

"Mohammed first came to my attention through a performance of his Litany here at the New England Conservatory. The piece
leapt out at me for the beauty of its sound world, the strength of its personal voice and artful precision with which it was put
together. I have since come to know a lot of his music... He has a fine ear, sure sense of form, bold character and a vivid, wide-
ranging imagination. Mohammed is going to have a significant career. It is a pleasure for me, early on in that career, to support
him as well as to receive his support. Let’s all keep an eye on this unique artist and person!"
-John Heiss, Director - NEC Contemporary Ensemble, Professor of Composition - New England Conservatory of Music
With Malcolm Peyton and Gunther Schuller in Rehearsal
With Malcolm Peyton and Gunther Schuller in Rehearsal
With Tobias Picker
With John Adams